Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Reason why Lee Ki Woo Became a Special Soldier in Army

Appearing on the second part of SBS’ Strong Heart on June 26, Lee Ki Woo shared the story regarding his father.
“My father always had a bad kidney,” He began, “While I was serving in the army, I found out that my father’s condition got worse and he was transferred to the hospital.”

Unfortunately for Lee Ki Woo, his status as a private, the lowest rank in the army, he had no way of taking a vacation and visiting his father in the hospital.

The solution that Lee Ki Woo thought of was to become a special solider on his base and receive a vacation as a reward.

With his father close to his deathbed, Lee Ki Woo trained hard to become the first special soldier on his base and tried to visit his father at the hospital as frequently as he could.

“After that, I participated in anything that would give me a vacation. Poster contests, book review contests.” He added, “I didn’t even like reading, but in order to earn my vacation, I started reading like crazy. Knowing that I need this made my writing good too.”

He later announced that he won the first place for the review contest.

Fortunately, his father was able to make a miraculous recovery and is living comfortably at the moment. 

After the broadcast, Lee Ki Woo tweeted, “Whenever anyone talks about family, [his] eyes turn wet and glisten like a puppy’s. When I return home after finishing work, I’m still puppy at age 32. ^^ Father, Mother, I love you.”



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